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Search Travel News Asia for: Sharklet

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Your search for Sharklet found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 113-120 of 310, with best matches first:

113. Zhejiang Loong Airlines Orders 20 A320 Family Aircraft
Zhejiang Loong Airlines, based in Hangzhou, capital city of Zhejiang province in Eastern China, has signed its first purchase agreement with Airbus, for 20 A320 Family aircraft, including 11 A320ceo and nine A320neo.
114. Viva Aerobus Takes Delivery of First Airbus A320neo
Viva Aerobus has taken delivery of its first Airbus A320neo. Viva Aerobus became an Airbus customer in 2013 when it placed the biggest order for Airbus in Mexican history for 52 A320 Family aircraft, including 40 A320neo. Today, Viva Aerobus operates 20 A320 aircraft and has nearly completed its transition to become an all-Airbus operator by year end.
115. Air Astana Takes Delivery of New A320
Air Astana has taken delivery of the last of six new Airbus A320 family aircraft, with the latest aircraft being the third to be equipped with Sharklets and configured in a 16 business class / 132 economy class configuration. The new fleet was ordered from Airbus during the official visit of Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan, to France in 2008 and has been funded throug
116. Qantas Signs Firm Order for 110 Airbus
Qantas and Airbus have finalised a contract for 110 A320 Family aircraft. The firm order for 78 A320neo and 32 A320s is the largest single order in Australian aviation history by aircraft units and follows a commitment signed in August.
117. China Aircraft Leasing Company Signs MOU for 100 Airbus Aircraft
China Aircraft Leasing Company (CALC), an independent aircraft operating lessor in China, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Airbus for 100 A320 Family aircraft. The commitment comprises 74 A320neo, 16 A320ceo and 10 A321ceo. Including this new commitment, CALC’s total order tally with Airbus stands at 140 A320 Family aircraft.
118. Transaero Airlines Signs Firm Order for 8 Airbus A320neo
Russia’s Transaero Airlines has signed a firm order for eight Airbus A320neo aircraft following a Memorandum of Understanding signed in August at the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2011 in Moscow. The A320neo (new engine option) is an efficiency improvement package offering up to 15% fuel savings on the A320 Family.
119. Travel News Archives from 24 November 2011 to 7 December 2011
All the latest travel news featured on ASIA Travel between 24 November and 7 December 2011 - archived for your easy reference. Travel News Archives from 24 November 2011 to 7 December 2011. Asia travel news from the worlds travel trade industry, latest travel news covering mainly Asia Pacific. Free daily travel news email and rss feed available.
120. Middle East Airlines Orders 10 Airbus Aircraft
Middle East Airlines-Air Liban (MEA), the flag carrier of Lebanon, has signed a firm contract for ten Airbus A320neo Family aircraft (five A321neo and five A320neo aircraft). MEA has not yet unveiled its engine choice.

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