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Your search for GKN found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 17-24 of 2918, with best matches first:

17. GKN Aerospace’s New Business Jet Engine Facility Make First Delivery
Earlier this week, just 6 months after construction began, GKN Aerospace’s new business jet engine integration facility, in Phoenix, Arizona made its first delivery. The facility supplied Honeywell HTF7250 engines, fully integrated into GKN Aerospace designed and manufactured nacelle systems, to Gulfstream for its newest aircraft - the G280 super mid-sized business jet.
18. GKN and KTH Developing Fan Technology for Electric Aircraft
GKN Aerospace and KTH (the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology) are jointly developing fan technology for small regional electric aircraft. Under the EleFanT project, as it has been called, GKN and KTH will study aerodynamic design, performance, noise and manufacturing technology for a nested fan powered by electricity, either from batteries, hydrogen fuel cells or even more conv
19. GKN Aerospace’s Clean Sky Aero-Engine Technology Tested
GKN Aerospace joined its strategic partners in the Clean Sky SAGE (Sustainable And Green Engines) programme on 11 November 2015, to celebrate the successful culmination of full scale demonstrator tests of the MTU-led, SAGE4 geared turbofan engine. This test programme represented the first comprehensive test of GKN Aerospace’s innovative turbine exhaust case (TEC) concept on a comme
20. GKN Secures New Deal with Pratt & Whitney
GKN Aerospace and Pratt & Whitney have agreed a risk and revenue sharing partnership (RRSP) for the PurePower PW1400G-JM engine which will power the Irkut MC-21 mid-range, single aisle aircraft. GKN Aerospace has said it expects the RRSP to be worth more than $650 million over the life of the programme.
21. GKN Aerospace Signs Boeing 737 Windows Contract with Spirit Aerosystems
GKN Aerospace has signed a multi-million US$ long term agreement (LTA) with Spirit Aerosystems to supply windows for the advanced passenger cabin of the Boeing Next-Generation 737 and 737 MAX until the end of 2025. GKN Aerospace, at its transparencies facility in Garden Grove, CA, has been the single source supplier of Next-Generation 737 passenger cabin windows (PCW) to Spirit for
22. GKN Aerospace Launches Transparencies Aftermarket Service
GKN Aerospace has launched a new Transparencies Aftermarket Service (TAS), focused on meeting the needs of commercial transport operators for ever faster, more responsive and more cost-effective cockpit and cabin window maintenance. GKN Aerospace - TAS will offer a comprehensive window repair, framing and exchange service to airlines and freight carriers that can achieve up to 20%
23. GKN Aerospace Congratulates Mitsubishi on First MRJ Test Flight
GKN Aerospace has congratulated Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation on the successful completion of the first test flight of its next-generation regional jet. GKN Aerospace supplies critical components for the engine that powers the Mitsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ) as well as windows for the aircraft’s passenger cabin.
24. GKN Aerospace Wins Bombardier Belfast Contract
GKN Aerospace has been selected by Bombardier Aerospace Belfast to design, develop and supply the composite integrated rudder and elevator for the new Global 7000 and Global 8000 ultra long-range business jets. The multi-million pound contract adds to already significant GKN Aerospace work packages on these aircraft.

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