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Search Travel News Asia for: E190

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Your search for E190 found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 97-104 of 1056, with best matches first:

97. Asia Pacific Airlines Carried Just 1.5 Million Passengers in October 2020
According to preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA), carriers in the region carried 1.5 million international passengers in October 2020, just 4.9% of the 31.3 million that travelled in the same month last year. Published by on 2 December 2020.
98. EmbraerX and Airservices Australia Publish CONOPS for Urban Air Mobility
EmbraerX and Australia’s civil air navigation service provider, Airservices, have developed a new concept of operations (CONOPS) for the air taxi market, also known as urban air mobility (UAM). Published by on 2 December 2020.
99. Dusit Opens Golf Resort in Singapore
Dusit has expanded its portfolio of hotels to Singapore, with the opening of the Dusit Thani Laguna Singapore in the heart of Laguna National Golf & Country Club, one of the island nation’s premier golf and country clubs. Published by on 2 December 2020.
100. Avation Exercises Options on Eight ATR 72-600s
Avation PLC, a commercial passenger aircraft leasing company, has exercised options to acquire a further eight new ATR 72-600 aircraft for delivery between 2020 and 2022.
101. JetBlue Orders 60 Airbus A220-300 Aircraft
JetBlue Airways has firmed up an order for 60 A220-300 aircraft (formerly the Bombardier CS300), the larger model of the new, industry-leading A220 series.
102. Finnair to Increase London Heathrow Flights
Finnair is to launch a new daily flight to and from London Heathrow for the summer 2019 season, starting on 31 March 2019. The airline will operate the additional flight with Airbus A320 family aircraft.
103. Atran Airlines Takes Delivery of Boeing 737-400 BCF
Atran Airlines, the Russian air express carrier within the Volga-Dnepr Group, has marked the start of the new year by taking delivery of a Boeing 737-400 BCF, enlarging its fleet to four freighters.
104. Qatar Airways Acquires 5% of China Southern Airlines
Qatar Airways has completed an on-market purchase of certain A shares and H shares of China Southern Airlines. As a result, Qatar Airways now holds approximately 5% of the total issued share capital of China Southern Airlines.

Documents 97-104 of 1056 displayed.

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