Search Results Your search for Arrivals found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 17-24 of 26041, with best matches first:
- 17. Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals for March 2008
Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals for March 2008. Visitor arrivals to Hong Kong in March 2008 reached 2,404,499, 11.2% more than in March 2007. This brings cumulative arrivals for the first quarter of 2008 to 7,275,521, 10% ahead of the same period last year. In March 2008, Mainland China was the best performing of all long and short-haul market regions, with arrivals growing by 16.8% to
- 18. Singapore Visitor Arrivals in October 2010
Singapore Visitor Arrivals in October 2010. Singapore visitor arrivals registered 15.8% growth to reach 978,000 in October 2010, the highest number of arrivals recorded for the month of October. This also marks the eleventh consecutive month of record visitor arrivals. Visitor days were estimated at 3.7 million days, a year-on-year growth of 13.2%.
- 19. Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals for April 2008
Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals for April 2008. Visitor arrivals to Hong Kong in April 2008 reached 2,419,911, 11.2% more than in April 2007. This brings cumulative arrivals for the first four months of 2008 to 9,695,432, 10.3% ahead of the same period last year. In April 2008, Mainland China was the best performing of all long- and short-haul market regions, with arrivals growing by 19
- 20. Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals for May 2008
Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals for May 2008. Hong Kong visitor arrivals in May 2008 reached 2,342,146, 6.3% more than in May 2007. This brings cumulative arrivals for the first five months of 2008 to 12,037,578, 9.5% ahead of the same period last year. Almost all long and short-haul market regions recorded positive growth in May 2008. For visitor mix, the proportion of arrivals from Ma
- 21. Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals During Golden Week 2011
Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals During Golden Week 2011. During the seven-day Chinese New Year Golden Week between 2 and 8 February 2011, Hong Kong visitor arrivals from Mainland China reached a new high of 662,928, a 15.7% increase compared to the same Golden Week last year. In particular, arrivals on 7 February totalled 117,879, breaking the single-day record for Mainland arrivals in
- 22. Singapore Visitor Arrivals in June 2010
Singapore Visitor Arrivals in June 2010. Singapore visitor arrivals registered 26.7% growth to reach 950,000 in June 2010, the highest ever recorded visitor arrivals in the month of June. This is the seventh consecutive month of record visitor arrivals.
- 23. Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals for August 2008
Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals for August 2008. Visitor arrivals to Hong Kong in August 2008 reached 2,679,092, 2.9% less than in August 2007. This brings cumulative arrivals for the first eight months of 2008 to 19,573,971, 7.3% ahead of the same period last year. With the exception of Mainland China, long and short-haul market regions recorded drop in arrivals in August 2008, being c
- 24. Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals for 2008
Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals for 2008. Hong Kong’s visitor arrivals for 2008 totalled 29,506,616, an increase of 4.7% on the 28.17 million arrivals welcomed in 2007. Leading the growth among various market regions was Mainland China, from where arrivals reached 16,862,003, 8.9% more than in 2007 and 57.1% of the 2008 total.
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