Search Results Your search for Airports found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 33-40 of 21587, with best matches first:
- 33. BAA reports UK Airports’ 2008 and December Traffic Figures
BAA reports UK Airports’ 2008 and December Traffic Figures. For the year 2008, a total of 145.8 million passengers travelled through BAA’s UK airports, an overall drop of 2.8% compared to 2007. During December, BAA’s seven UK airports handled a total of 10.2 million passengers, a decrease of 6.9% on the same month last year.
- 34. Decline in Passengers for BAA’s UK Airports in July 2008
Decline in Passengers for BAA’s UK Airports in July 2008. BAA’s UK airports handled a total of 14.8 million passengers in July 2008, a drop of 1.7% on the same month last year. A combination of a weakening economic climate, rising airfares and airline capacity cuts meant that each airport in the group and most major markets lost ground in July. Year to date BAA UK airports traffic
- 35. Abu Dhabi Airports Company appoints New CEO
Abu Dhabi Airports Company appoints New CEO. James E. Bennett has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Abu Dhabi Airports Company. Mr Bennett has been President & Chief Executive Officer of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) since 2003 and has a broad range of aviation business experience.
- 36. Airports Spending More on Technology
Improving passenger processes at the airport is the number one information technology (IT) investment priority of airports around the world and nearly half (47%) rank passenger and airport security as their top priority, according to the 2014 SITA/ACI Airport IT Trends Survey. The annual survey of the world’s airports shows the focus on the ‘Connected Traveler’ with investments in
- 37. Airport IT Investment Set to Reach US$6 Billion
According to the 2013 SITA/ACI/Airline Business Airport IT Trends Survey released on Tuesday, the world’s airports are increasing their investment in information technology (IT) to approximately US$6 billion in 2013. Despite economic challenges in some regions, the survey shows that airports are confident about the future. Approximately 90% of airports expect their IT spending to e
- 38. How is Technology Shaping Airports?
Technology and Airports. After a reduction in airport’s IT budgets during 2008, spend rose to 3.6% in 2009. Strongest areas of growth were in Asia Pacific and the Middle East and Africa, with more cautious levels of investment in Europe and North America. The outlook for 2011 looks positive with 78% of airports expecting budgets to remain the same or increase.
- 39. Airlines and Airports to Invest US$33 Billion on IT in 2017
According to the SITA 2017 Air Transport IT Trends Insights released on Tuesday, airlines and airports will spend nearly US$33 billion on IT this year. Top of the agenda for CIOs at both airlines and airports, are investments in cyber security and cloud services. In addition, they are prioritizing investments in passenger self-service.
- 40. Airports Embrace Mobile Apps and Geolocation to Improve Passenger Experience
Keeping passengers informed about their flight status and wait times is the top reason for airports providing mobile apps, with 88% planning to invest in them by the end of 2015. During this period, 78% of airports also plan to invest in social media with two thirds of these currently focused on evaluations or trials.
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