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Search Travel News Asia for: "Radisson Plaza"

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Your search for Radisson Plaza found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 614, with best matches first:

1. Carlson signs New Radisson Plaza Hotel in China
Carlson signs New Radisson Plaza Hotel in China. Scheduled to open in 2012, the Radisson Plaza Hotel Shenyang Hunnan is the latest addition to Carlson’s rapidly expanding portfolio of properties under development in China. The group recently also signed an agreement to manage the Radisson Plaza Hotel Sanya Lu Hui Tou. Radisson Plaza is the premium extension of Radisson Hotels & Res
2. Carlson signs Radisson Plaza Hotel in Chongqing
Carlson signs Radisson Plaza Hotel in Chongqing. Carlson Hotels Worldwide has signed an agreement to add a new Chinese property to the Radisson Plaza portfolio, the premium extension of the upscale, full-service Radisson Hotels & Resorts brand. The 300-room Radisson Plaza Hotel Chongqing Nan Bin Lu is scheduled to open at the end of 2010.
3. Radisson Plaza Hotel to Open This Month in Tianjin
Radisson Plaza Hotel to Open This Month in Tianjin. A Radisson Plaza Hotel will open its doors for business in China’s third largest city, Tianjin this month. The 270-room Radisson Plaza Hotel Tianjin, a premium extension of the Radisson brand, is a joint investment between Tianjin Urban Construction Group and First Eastern Investment Group (Hong Kong).
4. Southeast Asia’s First Radisson Plaza to Open in Phuket
Southeast Asia’s First Radisson Plaza to Open in Phuket. Radisson Plaza, the premium extension of the full service hotel brand, Radisson Hotels & Resorts, will be introduced in Southeast Asia this year with the opening of the new Radisson Plaza Resort Phuket Panwa Beach in Phuket, Thailand.
5. Carlson signs Radisson Plaza Hotel in Sanya
Carlson signs Radisson Plaza Hotel in Sanya. Carlson Hotels Worldwide – Asia Pacific has signed an agreement with China’s Sanya Lu Hui Tou Tourism Development Co., to manage a new Radisson Plaza hotel in Sanya, the southernmost city in Hainan. This latest addition to the Radisson Plaza portfolio, the premium extension of Radisson Hotels & Resorts, supports CHW-AP’s development plan
6. Kjell Rognoy appointed General Manager of Radisson Plaza Hotel Tianjin
Kjell Rognoy appointed General Manager of Radisson Plaza Hotel Tianjin. Carlson Hotels has appointed Norwegian national Kjell Rognoy as General Manager of the Radisson Plaza Hotel Tianjin. The Radisson Plaza is the premium extension of Radisson Hotels & Resorts. The 270-room property is located in the new financial hub of Hedong District and is scheduled to open by mid 2009.
7. First Radisson Plaza Hotel in Thailand to open in Phuket this October
First Radisson Plaza Hotel in Thailand to open in Phuket this October. This October, the Radisson Plaza Resort Phuket Panwa Beach will become the first Radisson Plaza property in Thailand, as it joins the list of 400 properties in 64 countries around the globe with numerous other projects already in the pipeline for Thailand.
8. Radisson Plaza Hotel Sydney Wins Sustainable Operations Award
Radisson Plaza Hotel Sydney Wins Sustainable Operations Award. The Radisson Plaza Hotel Sydney won the Sustainable Operations Award at the 2009 Hotel Investment Conference Asia Pacific awards ceremony held in Hong Kong earlier this month.

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