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Search Travel News Asia for: "Andrew Herdman"

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Your search for Andrew Herdman found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 57-64 of 2323, with best matches first:

57. ITB World Travel Trends Report Predicts 6.1% Growth in 2016
The ITB World Travel Trends Report is predicting growth of 6.1% in 2016. Asia Pacific remains a leading growth market for world travel with a 5% rise in outbound trips so far this year despite the slowdown in the Chinese economy. Even stronger growth of 6.1% can be expected next year, according to the ITB World Travel Trends Report, which is produced by tourism consultancy IPK Inte
58. Asia Pacific Airlines Return to Profitability
Preliminary financial performance figures compiled by the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) show that Asia Pacific airlines recorded US$6.9 billion in combined net earnings in 2015, an upswing from net losses of US$1.2 billion reported in 2014. The strong results were underpinned by sustained growth in passenger markets, lower fuel prices and operating efficiencies includ
59. IATA Expects 7.8 Billion Passengers to Travel by Air in 2036; APAC Biggest Driver of Demand
IATA expects 7.8 billion passengers to travel in 2036, a near doubling of the 4 billion air travelers expected to fly this year. The prediction is based on a 3.6% average Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) noted in the release of the latest update to the association’s 20-Year Air Passenger Forecast.
60. Singapore Airlines’ New Cabin Products to Debut on Changi-Sydney Route
Singapore Airlines has confirmed that its new cabin products, which will be revealed at global launch events in Singapore from 2 to 4 November, will debut on the Singapore-Sydney route in December.
61. CargoLogicAir Appoints New CEO
CargoLogicAir has appointed David Kerr as Chief Executive Officer, effective 1 January 2018. David will be responsible for the successful implementation of the airline’s strategic development plans, orchestrating the growth of its freighter fleet and its network, with the focus on specialized logistics solutions for different industries.
62. Island Air Appoints Capt. Steven Longdon as Director of Flight Operations
Island Air has promoted Capt. Steven Longdon to director of flight operations. Longdon, who has 18 years of experience in the aviation industry, joined Island Air in November 2016 as a captain. He was among the airline’s pilots who trained on and operated Island Air’s new fleet of DHC 8 Q400 aircraft.
63. United Offering Boarding Passes for Partner Airlines via Mobile App
United Airlines has enhanced its mobile app so that customers can receive boarding passes when connecting to 19 airline partners on their smart phones, a feature which no other U.S. carrier currently offers. This functionality will be available for customers traveling on United who are making an onward connection on another carrier.
64. Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 23.6 Million Int. Passengers in May 2016
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of May 2016 show further growth in international air passenger demand, whereas soft conditions persisted for air cargo markets. A total of 23.6 million international passengers were carried by Asia Pacific airlines in May, 2.8% more than in the same month last year. In revenue passenger k

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